Mahzooz Voucher Coupon Codes and Discounts
Get the best deals on Mahzooz draw tickets! Use our carefully researched Mahzooz voucher coupon codes at checkout to save money right now.
The idea behind the Mahzooz lottery is simple—it’s a one-stop shop for all your Mahzooz draw tickets. There are no complicated membership tiers or long signup processes. All you need to do is create a free account or log in to your existing account. After the login, choose your lucky numbers for both the Friday and Saturday draws, and you can apply your voucher code at checkout.
Follow us to get the most up-to-date Mahzooz voucher coupon codes and discounts for your next draw ticket purchase.
Mahzooz Voucher Codes
Here you will find the most recent Mahzooz codes; some of them may not work for you due to daily coupon usage limitations.
Mahzooz Coupon Code
It should provide 10% OFF Mahzooz ticket purchases. It’s been confirmed by some of our users that it’s working.
Mahzooz Coupon Code
This code also offers 10% off on occasion, but it appears that it is currently inactive, as none of our users confirmed its status this week.
Mahzooz Promotions 2023
Mahzooz’s Golden Ramadan Promotion is giving you the opportunity to win big with 100g of gold this Ramadan. Find more information on our Mahzooz blog.
Mahzooz Previous Promotions
The last promotion was in the summer, and it was about 1 KG of gold in addition to the usual AED 10,000,000 prize. It took place on September 3 and covered ticket purchases made in August.

We anticipate a similar event in Mahzooz’s 2023 promotions. We will update here as soon as we get any information.